Category Archives: Videos

Ella Hunt’s New AT Switches

Ms. Ella Hunt, one of our long time friends and recipients recently had a horrible experience with spinal fusion surgery. Thankfully, the blood loss and hypoxia didn’t impact her mind, but it did rob her of the two switches she used to control her world.

We reached out to the wonderful Makers, Engineers and Occupational Therapists in our group and were able to come up with new solutions for her based on infrared sensors, strain gauges and lots of custom software.

Check it out! If you want to learn more about this project, here are some links that might help:

“How can I help Ella?”- We hear this a lot right now. If you’re technical, join ATMakers on Facebook or on our homepage and tell us your skills – we will put them to use for Ella and others like her. If not, the Hunts have new medical costs that are not covered by insurance (for ridiculous reasons) due to the new catheterization needs. Ella’s aunt has setup a GoFundMe page to help them with these costs (that ATMakers can confirm will all go to the Hunts) and we would encourage you to consider that instead of making a financial donation to ATMakers at this time. Here is the link:

“Project I.M.P.Act” Resources

If you are following along on the ATMakers Facebook Group (and you should be!), you’ll know that we’ve been trying to make our approach to AT projects more consistent and reproducible. That that end, we’ve pulled together Project I.M.P.Act with its focus on Digitizing the Intent to help AT users accomplish more.

Here are some resources to catch you up on Project I.M.P.Act: we will update this post as more become available.

Project I.M.P.Act Overview Video

Digitizing the Intent (@ AAC In the Cloud)

Recent Facebook Live discussion w/ Project I.M.P.Act update

Flooding the Zone w/AAC Devices

This summer, we’re trying something new!  We’ve worked with LessonPix Custom Learning Materials and Minor Achievements Learning Center to create a camp where every kid has access to a basic AAC device.  We have two types of devices: an Android-based tablet running CoughDrop, and a custom device built on the Adafruit PyPortal intelligent screen.

Continue reading Flooding the Zone w/AAC Devices

Mike’s Gun: An Project

UPDATE:  I’m so sorry to share that Mike Phillips passed away from complications due to SMA at age 39.  We are so glad we were able to share one of our favorite moments with Mike: our hearts go out to his mom, Karen, and all who will miss his light.

On Saturday, June 23, 2018 Mike Phillips finally checked off a long-standing desire from his “Things to Do” list – firing a gun with a switch. is happy to have helped this happen.  Check out his story below. Continue reading Mike’s Gun: An Project